1-13 July - Outreach trip to Romania to discuss various literary and theatrical projects. American director and actor Terrence Montgomery Christgau joined me in Bucharest for a few days to help with discussions. During the visit, I also launched the poetry volume in memoriam Victor Săhleanu - Cosmos Uman / Human Cosmos at the Romanian Writers Union.
11 July, Bucharest - Meeting with playwright Radu F. Alexandru to discuss a New York production of The Story of My Father (A.G.Sahlean's translation of the original 'Poveste despre tatăl meu') under the direction of Terence Christgau Montgomery.

12 July - Interview at the Romanian Broadcasting Co., Bucharest, with Director Terrence Montgomery Christgau on the 2005 & 2008 Off-Broadway production of The Legend of the Evening Star, Sahlean's translation of Eminescu's Legenda Luceafarului.
13 July, Bucharest - Meeting of Director Terrence Montgomery Christgau and I with Romanian theater and movie actor Marcel Iureș, for a bilingual project of The Legend of the Evening Star (Sahlean's translation of Eminescu's Legenda Luceafărului).

9 September, Bucharest - Cover story by A. G. Sahlean 'Ce facem cu Eminescu? /What shall we do about Eminescu? Editorial in the Romanian Writers Union prestigious weekly ‘România Literară’ / Literary Romania.