January 13th, 2007 - Harvard Divinity School - Boston, MA. Presentation at the symposium 'God in the Poetry of Europe's Last Romantic, Mihai Eminescu'. Renowned scholars and theologians from the USA and Romania explored religious themes in the poetry of Mihai Eminescu. Mr. Sahlean was presented by the president of the oldest Romanian-American Society "Dorul" (founded 1904) with the special Eminescu Medal. Issued in 2000 (when Eminescu was celebrated as UNESCO-Poet-of-the Year), it has been offered since to select Romanian and international personalities.
January 14th, 2007 - Celebrations of Mihai Eminescu's birthday (Jan. 15th) at Saint Paraschiva Romanian Orthodox Church (Wakefield, MA.) hosted by Fr. Nicolae Simion featuring a thematic program that included Mr. Sahlean's recital of Eminescu's celebrated Legenda Luceafărului (The Legend of the Evening Star) in Romanian for the nostalgic audience who had not had a chance to listen to their beloved legend in decades.

January 24th, 2007 - Lecture and poetry recital at a conference dedicated to Romanian cultural icons sculptor Brancusi & poet Eminescu organized by the Smithsonian Institute and hosted by the Romanian Embassy (Washington, DC). The lecture on Brancusi, accompanied by a slide show, was presented by art critic and curator Mariana Carpinisan.
May 7th, 2007 Lecture "Eminescu, The Great Unknown" at the seventh international seminar 'The Glow of the Writ' (Lumina Slovei Scrise) held in Sibiu, Romania and organized by the Lucian Blaga University. The town of Sibiu was declared UNESCO's Year-2007-Capital-of- Europe.

June 2007 - Book project featuring English translations by Adrian G. Sahlean (with William Cross) of Romanian contemporary poet Clara Margineanu. The book was scheduled to appear in 2008 in Romania, but the red tape made it so difficult that it was published through Global Arts efforts almost a decade later.
December 2007 - Final chapter of the series 'Traducand Eminescu - Caiete de Atelier' started in March 2006 (On Translating Eminescu - Workshop Notes) by A.G. Sahlean appeared in the bimonthly review 'Romanian Times' of Portland, OR. The papers discuss special challenges in translating Eminescu into English, and the responsibilities of presenting a 'national poet' (Eminescu is an immense cultural icon in Romania) to the English world. The collected papers are scheduled to be published later in a separate volume.

December 2007 - 'The Merry Cemetery of Sapanta' (Cimitirul Vesel de la Sapanta) - a Purple Martin Press book, designed by renowned Dutch designer Tessa van der Waals, of the unique Romanian graveyard featuring humorous epitaphs on painted crosses by New York photographer Peter Kayafas with translations by A. G. Sahlean, an introductory essay by Sanda Golopentia (Brown University) and The Translator's Note. more details here.